The 2020 American Awards
Welcome to the American Awards, an online honorarium recognizing America's awesomeness in all its diversity. After all, if actors have the Oscars and musicians have the Grammies, we here at Perfect Republic figured it was about time to build an awards platform designed to recognize America's unsung heroes: the everyday saints who walk among us; the people in our lives who go above and beyond the call of duty and far too often don't get recognized for their good works.
Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty, and deserves to be recognized? If so, nominate them for an American Award today! Should our nomination committee agree that your nominee deserves to be included among this year's contestants, the video and narrative you provide in your nomination will be posted on where everyone can vote on it...

Hey America,
When we first launched the American Awards, we did so with one dream in mind: honoring the unsung heroes that walk among us: The moms and dads who go above and beyond the call of duty; the teacher who stays late to tutor the student that needs a little extra attention; the friend who goes out of their way to do something more wonderful than you ever could have imagined… We wanted to create a single website where people could go to read wonderful stories about wonderful people doing wonderful things.
As our nation has faced the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the globe, we’ve been considering how The American Awards needs to evolve to accommodate our current circumstances, and here are our conclusions:
First, we will not be hosting any ceremonies with live audiences in 2020. If we have to host the awards live via Zoom, so be it. We’ll find a way to make it work.
Second, in recognition of the millions of Americans who have lost their jobs in recent weeks, and my own belief that lack-of-money should never be a financial barrier to anyone getting nominated who deserves to be nominated, we’re doing away with nomination fees until the end of the pandemic (or at least as long as we can afford to do so).
Third, we've made a decision that some might find controversial: For the first time ever, we're getting rid of the different award categories, meaning every nomination will be considered and rated in relation to every other nomination. From this point forward, there's one category and only one category... and that category is "awesome". If you know an unsung hero who is awesome, simply nominate him or her for an American Award, and send us a video explaining or showing why your nominee is so awesome. Maybe it's your mom. Or your friend. Or your grandma. Or a particular late night show host. Now why, you may ask, are we grouping all the categories together? Simply put, this pandemic has shown us how many different roles are critically essential in the tapestry of American life: From the doctors and nurses on the front lines... to the truckers and grocery store clerks keeping our shelves stocked... to the utility workers who are keeping the lights on and the Internet running... to the parents home-schooling their children. In an era where there are so many different types of awesome, we decided this year's awards are going to be a race to the top, and everyone is invited to get involved!
If you know someone who is an amazing, extraordinary person, but has never gotten the recognition they deserve, and you’d like to honor them in some small way... nominate them for an American Award. Simply create a short video that tells the story of why your nominee is awesome, and submit it when you’re ready.
Each month, we'll set aside the highest rated nomination in the system as one of our finalists, and at the end of the year, pick three winners from amongst our finalists.
So America - show us what you've got! We want to hear the stories of who we are, at our most awesome, including everything from the very kindest of acts to the very bravest of deeds.
Thanks for participating, and good luck to all!
Please: stay safe, everybody! Reach out to the people you love. And remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds!